18 maj 2012

Value Investing

A quick one today, so it will be a simple link to an interesting clip of Whitney Tilson, fund manager of 'Tilson Mutual Funds'. For those of you who have never heard of him (I hadn't until recently) he is a value oriented investor, both long (e.g. BP when it was tanking) and short (e.g. Netflix but got burnt a couple of times on the way up) , and a 'fan' of Berkshire Hathaway.  The clip is a few years old now but gives a very interesting insight into the thinking behind these type of big players.

Something to remember, value oriented research is also used for the dark side i.e. shorting!
I've not done it myself yet, it's a little bit too challenging psycologically for me to run against the crowd and short a momentum stock. Plus I've yet to learn the tactics required for such an approach.

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